Content written by Mick the Builder

Footing systems

Footing systems

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Sub  Floor System
A sub floor system consists of stumps, bearers, joist and sheet flooring.
Stump holes will be excavated at spacing  to suit a maximum material span of the bearer and the joist.
The beams that  connect directly to the stumps are called bearers, materials used that sits on top of the bearers are called joist.
The materials used in the sub floor system may include timber , brickwork or metal.
Once the frame has been constructed, plumbing and other services can be installed .  Tongue and groove sheet flooring will be glued and directly to the joist .  And then wall framing will commence
The minimum clearance required for a sub floor is 400 mm from the ground to the underside of the flooring or 150mm to the underside of the bearer.
The sub floor system can be used in either a weatherboard construction or a brick veneer construction type of house.

"Install the stumps furthest away from where the concrete truck will be positioned to allow good wheel barrow access".